Friday, April 6, 2007

Household tips

I’m often asked how I am able to do it all. Juggling motherhood with keeping house and running a small business is tough but I have learned a few tricks.
First it is necessary to have a supportive life partner or spouse. Do not attempt this on your own.

Recipe for Cleaning House
One of our favorite motivators to clean house in a timely fashion is to invite friends over when it is time to clean.

We usually wait until we can’t stand the mess and filth any more and one of us will extend an invite to friends or family to come over for a meal.It is important to allow at least three hours for speed cleaning and a quick trip to the grocery store.

Start cleaning the rooms most likely to be visited. Start with the main floor powder room, kitchen and family and living rooms.

When dusting, if a piece of furniture is covered with books or other decorative items, just dust the edges around the exposed wood that can be seen. After quickly dusting and running a vaccum cleaner, wash only the high traffic areas of the linoleom or tiled floor.

If you still have at least two hours to spare, now would be a good time to make a quick run to the store. Pre-cooked foods such as roasted chicken, mashed potatoes , some other vegetables as well as a nice cake or pie are among the best items to pick up.
Also beer, wine or any other alcoholic beverage is a good idea. A guest with a slight buzz on is a happy guest and less likely to notice any imperfections.
After rushing only the bare necessities home, replace store bought food containers with your own serving dishes to give a home cooked appearance.
Now would be a good time to hop into the shower, followed by a quick cleaning of your bathrooms.
Get dressed, pour yourself a glass of wine and you are ready to greet your guests.

Laundry Tips

The hardest part about doing laundry is folding and putting it away once you are done. A time-saving tip we discovered is to leave your clean clothing in the bucket,taking it out as it is needed.

This works best with the children’s clothes. They don’t need to have neatly ironed clothes. No one really notices and if they do you can blame it on how active they are. It also works well on adult under garments.If anyone notices, you have bigger problems than wrinkled undies!Be extra careful not to mix up your clean and dirty laundry.

Bath Time Savers

When giving a dirty child a bath, why not put all your kids in the tub at once. Not only does this save on time and water, the kids have fun.

If you have any pets, throw them in too!

Water on the floor?... Not to worry. Just pull out a shirt or towel out of your dirty laundry to wipe up the wet floor. Why waste a perfectly good sponge when you are going to have to wash your laundry anyway!

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