So many things to be afraid of. I'm ready to give up coffee. I just need to read the morning news to get my heart going.
Yesterday, while running an errand, I was circling a parking lot in search of a vacant piece of blacktop. A few rows out, there were several free spaces that weren't too far from the store I was going to. As I prepared to pull in next to a hatchback, I stopped in my tracks.
A bloody foot was hanging out of the back! My heart stopped and my blood ran cold. For a few brief seconds that seemed like an eternity, I panicked. What should I do? As I reached for my cell phone, I realized that this was just a prank. A fake foot like the one pictured below:

After feeling foolish, I pulled into a space, a few spots down. As my heart slowly returned to its normal 4 cups of coffee pace, I walked by the car with the "bloody foot" and chuckled.
I guess this is the payback for the silly stunt I have on my window!

There are several golf courses located near where I work. I've seen a similar window 'decal' with a golf ball embedded. Around here that isn't such a rare sight.
great Halloween prank. Glad that it made you jump. That is the fun part for both you and the prankster.
I'm not a Halloween fan-- and that's another good reason why! I hate stuff like that! (and wouldn't you know, God gave me 5 boys that love that kind of crap)!
I love that you fell for it! LOL I saw one of those the other day and showed the kids.
Funny! That broken window thing got me the first time. It was a baseball. In spite the scary times it's good that we can still find time for stunts and laugh :-)
I've fallen for the bloody foot prank myself! Yuck! LOL! Happy Halloween! (:
The decals in my neck of the woods are softballs and baseballs! I think the bloody foot would have sent me over the edge.
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