Saturday, March 8, 2008

In like a lion?

You know the expression - " March - In like a lion, out like a lamb." Well, the weather better be nice in a few weeks! The weather has been crazy here. We are supposed to get 10 - 14 " of snow.
Looks like we'll be house-bound today!

The news last night showed panic-stricken shoppers stripping supermarket shelves like bands of hungry locusts. I'm not sure this is really necessary. I grew up in Cleveland, where a few feet of snow was no big deal. However, we also had snow-tires, a regular plowing service and were used to driving in these conditions.

Regardless, we are talking about 1 or 2 days of snow-showers and blowing, drifting snow. I'm not sure I see a reason to worry, ...yet! We usually have about a week's worth of groceries before we would have to survive on a diet of canned peas and macaroni. This might be a good way to clean out our cabinets. We could bake cookies, watch movies, play board games and really bond as a family unit.

I sure hope we have enough food!


OHmommy said...

Hmmmm.... I am in Ohio and we are getting dumped on. The snow just won't stop. UGH!

Tara R. said...

Wow... and I keep saying I miss snow... I guess I don't remember all that! Hope you all have enough food too.

Bad Momma said...

@OHmommy - I feel your pain! Where in Ohio are you? We are in Columbus.

@ tara - Please send some sunshine and warm weather our way! I'd gladly pack up and ship some snow to you if I could!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Y-U-C-K! Wishing for Spring to hurry and bring the warm weather to both of us!!