Memorial Day Weekend marks the start of my favorite season. The garden is off to a good start. I've been getting some small salads with onions & chives, and starting Friday, strawberries!
I also need to step up my game fighting garden pests. With all the rain, I've noticed some slugs munching greedily on my lettuce. I also discovered a baby bunny in my strawberry patch last night while picking a few berries for my salad. He promptly scampered off, with no doubt, plans to return.
And finally this morning as I was inspecting my domain, I found teething marks, that most likely came from a raccoon, on one of my plastic planters.
Looks like I have my work cut out for me. I kind of feel like Mr. MacGregor from Peter Rabbit!

Those berries look awesome! The teeth marks, not so awesome. I have tiny pests in my garden, but I do finally have a few tomatoes thriving for a change.
We decided to take our front yard planters in hand, but started from seeds so we're in the transplant phase. We've planted sunflowers, the giant ones. As soon the rain stops and it's not 90 degrees we're transplanting some more flowers and we've tried tomatoes and corn. Can't wait to see how it all turns out!
Your strawberries look awesome! (I love strawberries!)
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