Sunday, June 1, 2008

The Ride

They ought to make a Dangerous Book for Moms.

It was a beautiful day Sunday and I wanted to get the boys out for a bike ride early in the day. They have been spending too much time indoors. In order to get their cooperation, I need to make it an adventure. My oldest remembered that we needed to measure last week's ride, where we were caught in a torrential downpour on the way home. The ride we were re-enacting was during the Memorial Day Weekend lazy-fest.
Scene 2: Sunday of Memorial Weekend
It was on-off again clouds and showers. During a break in the weather, I saw an opportunity to get a quick ride in. My oldest son had told us about a route he discovered with his friend the day before. The path went through the woods to a water-tower. I suggested that he might want to show us the route and he took the bait.

The Path

I remembered the gravel path which I estimated to be about 1.5 miles from our house. I sometimes would take my two older boys, when they were small, for long walks in the stroller. I once attempted to navigate the long, rocky path but got spooked and turned around. Not only was it difficult to push the buggy, I was worried about taking two babies into a deserted wooded area by myself. It reminded me of a horror flick right before the monster attacks.

Traveling with three boys by bicycle didn't seem as scary. Chances are we would outnumber any demons.

As we entered the gravel path we followed a winding trail with several walking trails that branched out into the wooded areas. The sweet smells of clover and wildflowers filled my nostrils. The narrow road surrounded by a thick canopy of trees and brush would make the perfect setting for filming a thriller, where the victims are being chased through desolate forests.
But I was not afraid. I had my posse. And I was grateful. This route was much longer than I anticipated. Finally as we reached a clearing we saw the road which led to the gated water-tower.

There was a park in the distance and this was the point we needed to turn around. It also was the time it started to rain.

to be continued.......

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